J3373 : Nos 122-124 Gt Victoria Street, Belfast (November 2017)
taken 7 years ago, near to Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
Vacant buildings on the eastern side of Gt Victoria Street. They are the subject of the following application (16 September 2015) for planning permission “LA04/2015/1048/F Marterial [sic] change of use to residential providing 7No. dwelling units consisting of 5No. 2 bed and 2No. 1 bed apartments and associated site works on the upper three floors over existing ground floor retail units at 122-124 Great Victoria Street, Belfast 122-124 Great Victoria Street Belfast”.
There is the following application (19 October 2017) for planning permission “LA04/2017/2429/F Erection of 7 storey building comprising 2 ground floor restaurants with ground floor outdoor seating areas, 19No. apartments on upper storeys and associated site works. 122-126 Great Victoria Street Belfast BT2 7BG”.
The photographs submitted by me appear as a matter of record only. I have no connection with the proposed development and express no opinion about the application.
- Grid Square
- J3373, 2812 images (more nearby )
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Friday, 24 November, 2017 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Friday, 24 November, 2017
- Geographical Context
- Place (from Tags)
- Primary Subject of Photo
- Subject Location
Irish: J 335 733 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.4607N 5:56.0464W - Camera Location
- Irish: J 335 733
- View Direction
- North-northeast (about 22 degrees)