J3573 : Former Willowfield police station, Belfast - April 2018(1)
taken 7 years ago, near to Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland
This is 1 of 3 images, with title starting with Former Willowfield police station, Belfast - April in this square

Former Willowfield police station, Belfast - April 2018(1)
The Woodstock Road side. The wall hides most of the building.
Former Willowfield police station, Belfast
One of the twelve police stations the closure of which was announced at the end of 2016. There is the following application (26 January 2018) for planning permission “LA04/2018/0297/F Demolition of vacant PSNI station. Construction of 19 social housing dwellings consisting of 17 apartments for the elderly and 2 complex needs apartments including amenity space, associated site works and parking 277 Woodstock Road Belfast BT6 8PR”.
I have no connection with the proposed work and cannot enter into correspondence.
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- Grid Square
- J3573, 320 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Friday, 13 April, 2018 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Friday, 13 April, 2018
- Geographical Context
- Place (from Tags)
- Former (from Tags)
- Subject Location
J 356 733 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.4118N 5:54.1458W - Camera Location
J 356 733
- View Direction
- Northwest (about 315 degrees)
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