J3269 : Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(1)
taken 6 years ago, 3 km from Drumbeg, Co Down, Northern Ireland
This is 1 of 2 images, with title starting with Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June in this square

Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(1)
The original Lagan towpath, looking towards the boathouse. The official description of the listed bridge includes this “There was formerly stone towpath ramps down from the upstream/W and downstream/E ends of the bridge to a towpath which ran from Belfast to Lisburn. All traces of the E ramp were removed when the new road bridge was built in the 1970s . . . . Although overgrown vestiges of the W ramp survive, access to its top end is now blocked by a rubble stone wall, whilst access from the bottom is likewise hindered by a recently-built boat house”. See also J3269 : Original Lagan towpath, Shaw's Bridge, Belfast - June 2019(2).
Shaw's Bridge, Belfast
Some photographs of and from Shaw’s Bridge, Belfast.
There are two bridges, both called “Shaw’s Bridge” across the River Lagan on the Malone Road/Milltown Road. The first was built in about 1707 and was in use as a road bridge until 1977 when replaced, for motor vehicles, by a concrete structure of four lanes forming part of the Belfast outer ring road. The old bridge remains but restricted to pedestrians and bicycles.
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- Grid Square
- J3269, 251 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Monday, 24 June, 2019 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Monday, 24 June, 2019
- Geographical Context
- Place (from Tags)
- Former (from Tags)
- Primary Subject of Photo
- Subject Location
J 324 690 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:33.1298N 5:57.2030W - Camera Location
J 324 690
- View Direction
- West-southwest (about 247 degrees)
Image Type (about):
close look
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