J4471 : Drumlin country (22)
taken 17 years ago, 3 km from Comber, Co Down, Northern Ireland

Drumlin country (22)
Lesser drumlins to the NW of Comber.
Drumlin country
In simple (non-technical) words, drumlins are rounded hills, usually of stones and clays deposited by glaciers during the ice age. They form the “basket of eggs” landscape found in parts of Cos Down and Armagh.
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- Grid Square
- J4471, 69 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (find more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Monday, 26 May, 2008 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Monday, 26 May, 2008
- Category
- Drumlins (more nearby)
- Subject Location
J 444 716 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:34.3710N 5:45.9963W - Camera Location
J 444 710
- View Direction
- NORTH (about 0 degrees)
Image classification(about):
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