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N0744 : Descending towards the notorious Ballykeeran Bend on the N55 by Eric Jones
N0642 : Factory units on Athlone's Woodfield Road (R916) by Eric Jones
N0844 : Roadside wall by Richard Webb
N0446 : Athlone-Coosan Point by Ian Rob
N0745 : Farmland above Lough Ree by Richard Webb
N0642 : Electricity sub-station alongside the R916 by Eric Jones
N0643 : The Colm Quinn Car Showroom at Blyri Court on the N55 by Eric Jones
N0546 : Islands in Lough Ree viewed from the Glasson golf course by douglas r small
N0744 : N55 by N Chadwick
N0745 : Boats and reeds by Jonathan Wilkins
N0446 : On Lough Ree by Juergen Meuer
N0642 : Heavy traffic, N55 by N Chadwick
N0743 : N55 at the R390, County Westmeath by Sarah777
N0744 : Coosan Lough viewed from the east by Eric Jones
N0642 : Beside the N55 by Richard Webb
N0744 : Ballaghkeeran Bay Lough Ree by Jo and Steve Turner
N0743 : N55 by N Chadwick
N0644 : Ballykeeran Bay by Alan Murray-Rust
N0744 : Ballykeeran, County Westmeath by Sarah777
N0744 : Lough Ree by Richard Webb
N0743 : Road closure warning by Richard Webb
N0643 : Car showroom by Richard Webb
N0743 : The N55 at the junction with  the R390 (Mullingar Road) by Eric Jones
N0744 : Ballykeeran by Richard Webb
N0642 : Leaving Athlone on the N55 by Richard Webb
N0844 : The N55 beginning its descent to Ballykeeran by Eric Jones
N0743 : Grazing, Ballykeeran by Richard Webb
N0642 : Cornamaddy National School, Blyry by Eric Jones
N0744 : N55 by N Chadwick
N0643 : N55 by N Chadwick
N0642 : Roundabout at the junction of the N55 and the R916 on the outskirts of Athlone by Eric Jones
N0743 : A curve in the N55 north-east of Athlone by Eric Jones
N0745 : View west across grazing land toward Lough Ree by Eric Jones
N0744 : The green stuff by Richard Webb
N0744 : N55 passing The Dog & Duck by N Chadwick
N0844 : Verge cutting on the N55 at Newforest north of Ballykeeran by Eric Jones
N0744 : Athlone Farmland by Ian Rob
N0743 : The N55 at the R390 by Sarah777
N0744 : Lough Ree campsite, Ballykeeran by Richard Webb
N0744 : Entering Ballykeeran on the N55 by Eric Jones
N0745 : The Newforest Road by Eric Jones
N0744 : The Dog and Duck at Ballykeeran by Eric Jones
N0744 : The 90 degree bend at the bridge at Ballykeeran by Eric Jones
N0844 : Neighbourhood watch, Ballykeeran by Richard Webb

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About 44 results. Explore these images more: in the Browser or in the standard search (may return slightly different results).