The Ormeau Bridge, Belfast :: Shared Description

Lanyon’s Queen’s Bridge J3474 : The Queen's Bridge, Belfast (2) opened in 1843. There is more than a hint of déjà vu in his design for the Ormeau Bridge which opened 20 years later. It suffered a similar fate in widening with his symmetric arches now partly hidden by the later decking. Work on the bridge’s predecessor is said to have started in 1815 with completion in 1818 or 1822 (depending on source). It seems, however, that it was unstable and was later demolished to be replaced by the present structure. It carries the main road to Downpatrick and Newcastle/Kilkeel.

by Albert Bridge
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6 images use this description:

J3472 : The Ormeau Bridge, Belfast (3) by Albert Bridge
J3472 : The Ormeau Bridge, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3472 : The Ormeau Bridge, Belfast - January 2014 by Albert Bridge
J3472 : The Ormeau Bridge, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3472 : White bicycle, Ormeau Bridge, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3472 : The "Port Constructor", Belfast by Albert Bridge

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Created: Mon, 27 Jan 2014, Updated: Mon, 27 Jan 2014

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