Gartnavel Hospitals Campus :: Shared Description

There are four hospitals on the campus, which is located in the west end of Glasgow between Anniesland, Hyndland and Kelvindale. It is well served by road, being on the A82 Great Western Road which provides quick access to the city centre and M8 Motorway.

Hyndland railway station, on the Argyle and North Clyde lines, is located at the south end of the campus and provides several trains per hour to and from the city.

Gartnavel General Hospital LinkExternal link

Gartnavel Royal Hospital LinkExternal link

The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre LinkExternal link

Glasgow Homeopathic Hospital (renamed Centre for Integrative Care)
LinkExternal link

In addition to the hospitals, the Glasgow West Ambulance Station is located on the campus.
by Thomas Nugent
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74 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Hughenden Lane by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Chimney, Gartnavel Hospitals by Richard Sutcliffe
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Royal Hospital by Richard Sutcliffe
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5568 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5567 : Gartnavel Hospitals Campus by Thomas Nugent
NS5369 : Great Western Road from the air by Thomas Nugent

... and 49 more images.

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Created: Thu, 13 Mar 2014, Updated: Wed, 30 Jun 2021

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2014 Thomas Nugent, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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