Expansion to Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride, Spring 2014 :: Shared Description

Work to increase the capacity of the existing Park and Ride facility at the Radcliffe Metrolink stop began in early March 2014. The building work is aimed at benefitting Metrolink customers by increasing the number of parking spaces from 250 to approximately 364 by the construction of a decked car park. Additionally, it is hoped that it will help to reduce congestion on the roads near the station and cut down on the amount of on-street parking by commuters, particularly in front of the houses on Spring Lane and Church Street. During the construction work, the capacity of the car park was significantly reduced (to approx. 70 spaces).

During the planning consultations, concern was expressed that the cars parked on the first floor level would be at the same level as neighbouring houses, so TfGM plans to use landscaping, including shrubs, to shield the car park from view. It was expected that the work would take about five months to complete.

The park and ride facility in Radcliffe was first brought into operation when the Bury line opened in 1992. Metrolink passengers may park free-of-charge during the times that the service is operating.

LinkExternal link Bury Times

SD7807 : The car park at Radcliffe Metrolink station, taken in 2012, shows the car park before expansion.
by David Dixon
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23 images use this description:

SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride Construction by David Dixon
SD7807 : Construction Work at Radcliffe Metrolink Car Park by David Dixon
SD7807 : Car Park Construction at Radcliffe Metrolink Station - April 2014 by David Dixon
SD7807 : Metrolink Park and Ride Construction at Radcliffe Station (May 2014) by David Dixon
SD7807 : Expansion to Radcliffe's Park and Ride Car Park by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride Construction (July 2014) by David Dixon
SD7807 : Expansion to Park and Ride Facility at Radcliffe Station by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction - April 2014 by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction, Spreading Asphalt by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction, Tipping Aggregate by David Dixon
SD7807 : Park and Ride Construction (May 2014) by David Dixon
SD7807 : Car Park Construction Work, Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
SD7807 : Construction Work, Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
SD7807 : Adding an Upper Deck to Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction by David Dixon
SD7807 : Car Park Expansion at Radcliffe Metrolink Station by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
SD7807 : Recently Completed Metrolink Park and Ride at Radcliffe Station by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Car Park - July 2014 by David Dixon
SD7807 : Building Work at Radcliffe Metrolink Station by David Dixon
SD7807 : Metrolink Park and Ride Construction (April 2014) by David Dixon
SD7807 : Construction of New Park and Ride at Radcliffe (May 2014) by David Dixon
SD7807 : Radcliffe Tram Station Park and Ride Construction (May 2014) by David Dixon

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Created: Thu, 20 Mar 2014, Updated: Thu, 20 Mar 2014

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2014 David Dixon, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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