Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast :: Shared Description

A vacant site (at the corner of Little York Street) for which there is the following planning permission “Z/2008/2321/F 28-30 Great Patrick Street, Belfast. BT1 2LT Erection of mixed use development to include 3 No. of retail units, 12 No. of offices, 161No. of apartments and car parking [amended scheme]. PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED 31/03/2010”.
Note added 25 January 2015: there is now the following application for planning permission “Z/2014/1657/F Site at 28-30 Great Patrick Street Belfast BT1 2LT Erection of 11 storey building (34.5m high) comprising a retail unit and coffee shop at ground floor level, 529 managed student accommodation (with communal living rooms kitchen). The proposal also includes an associated reception/office facility, other ancillary accommodation, landscaped courtyard, plant and storage areas, car parking and cycle provision.”
The photographs submitted by me appear as a matter of record only. I have no connection with any of the parties involved in the site.
by Albert Bridge
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41 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - July 2018(4) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast (February 2018) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - June 2017(3) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - June 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - May 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - October 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Site crane, 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - March 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - July 2017(3) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast (September 2013) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - August 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - May 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - July 2018(3) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - January 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - July 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - June 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - July 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - July 2017(4) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - June 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - June 2017(4) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - October 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3475 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast (January 2017) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - October 2017(3) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - August 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - September 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 28-30 Gt Patrick Street, Belfast - August 2017(3) by Albert Bridge

... and 16 more images.

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Created: Fri, 21 Mar 2014, Updated: Sun, 25 Jan 2015

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2014 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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