Roman Camp, Beacon Hill :: Shared Description

On the summit of Beacon Hill there is an earthwork enclosure. This area is known as Roman camp, a name which it is believed was coined around the turn of the 19th century by local horse drawn cab drivers. Despite its name there is no evidence of any Roman occupation on this site. The earthworks, or enclosure, was once a coastal signal station and probably of earlier beacons(s) although the exact location of this beacon(s) is not known. There have been several archeological excavations in this area but none of these have specifically investigated the earthworks at Beacon Hill. Beacon Hill is the Highest point in Norfolk (103 metres).
by N Chadwick
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5 images use this description:

TG1841 : Roman Camp by N Chadwick
TG1841 : Roman Camp by N Chadwick
TG1841 : Roman Camp, Beacon Hill by N Chadwick
TG1841 : Roman Camp by N Chadwick
TG1841 : Roman Camp, Beacon Hill by N Chadwick

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Created: Mon, 31 Mar 2014, Updated: Mon, 31 Mar 2014

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