St William Window (n.VII), York Minster :: Shared Description

A huge window, located opposite the St Cuthbert window SE6052 : The St Cuthbert Window (s.VII), York Minster, probably produced by John Thornton of Coventry who was responsible for the East Window.
Donated by the De Ros family of Helmsley Castle around 1421.
95 panels commemorate William Fitzherbert, Archbishop of York, originally elected in 1141, but a series of disputes quashed his appointment in 1147. Having moved abroad for several years, he was re-elected and made a triumphant return, and a large crowd of people caused the bridge over the River Ouse to collapse, but miraculously nobody was killed. He later died and was proclaimed a Saint and a shrine erected in the Minster. A series of miracles followed, some of which were depicted in the upper panels of the window (similar to the Beckett miracles at Canterbury).
The window depicts many scenes from St William's life, and is a superb example of medieval glass painting.
by Julian P Guffogg
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4 images use this description:

SE6052 : St William window (n.VII) York Minster by Julian P Guffogg
SE6052 : Detail, Stained glass window n.VII, York Minster by Julian P Guffogg
SE6052 : Upper part, Stained glass window n.VII, York Minster by Julian P Guffogg
SE6052 : Detail, Stained glass window n.VII, York Minster by Julian P Guffogg

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Created: Sun, 27 Apr 2014, Updated: Sun, 27 Apr 2014

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2014 Julian P Guffogg, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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