River House, High Street, Belfast :: Shared Description
A late 1960’s/early 1970’s office building, between Sugarhouse Entry and the former National Bank, built on a WWII bomb site. The 1918 street directory shows “42 to 46. Panopticon Cinematograph Theatre - Fredk. Stewart, proprietor 48, 50. Currie, John, & Co., house furnishing ironmongers & hardware merchants 52. Jeffrey, W., & Co., saddlers 54, 56. Keegan, Graham & Co., wine and spirit merchants 58, 60. Nesbitt & Co., House Furnishers, Auctioneers and Valuators”. The 1943 edition shows “22-60. Vacant”.
There is the following (28 October 2016) planning permission “LA04/2016/1998/F New curtain wall to upper floors at front of building, overcladding to top floor, replace windows to rear, refurbish cladding panels to side and rear elevations, reclad escape stair. 48-60 High Street Belfast BT1 2BE”.
There is the following (28 October 2016) planning permission “LA04/2016/1998/F New curtain wall to upper floors at front of building, overcladding to top floor, replace windows to rear, refurbish cladding panels to side and rear elevations, reclad escape stair. 48-60 High Street Belfast BT1 2BE”.
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Created: Thu, 19 Jun 2014, Updated: Mon, 10 Jul 2017
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