Former Park Parade School site, Belfast :: Shared Description
A site bounded by the Ormeau Embankment and the Ravenhill Road. It lay vacant for some time. Part of it has been developed with social housing. The remainder has the following planning permission: “Z/2014/1350/F Ormeau Embankment Belfast (between Ravenhill Reach and Helm Housing Association development) Storage and distribution centre with associated retail unit, customer cafe and car parking 7/10/2014”. The photographs submitted by me appear as a matter of geographical and historical record only. I have no connection with any of the parties involved in the proposed development and express no opinion about the application. I cannot answer any questions about the school or its former pupils.
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By Albert Bridge. Used on 59 images
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- Nos 189-191 Ormeau Road, Belfast
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- Social housing site, 156-160 Ravenhill Road, Belfast
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- Nos 440-446 Ravenhill Road, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 3 images
- Nos 1-3 Ravenhill Road, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 3 images
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Created: Mon, 24 Nov 2014, Updated: Fri, 23 Jun 2017
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