Former Queen Street police station, Belfast :: Shared Description
Some photographs showing the former Queen Street police barracks (later a police station). It was built in 1878, to a design by father and son Thomas and Anthony Jackson, as a hospital for sick children before acquisition by the constabulary. The listed building Link
has been vacant for many years. Not to be confused with J3375 : Former North Queen Street police station, Belfast - April 2014(1).

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- Belfast Tech (redevelopment)
- Commonwealth House redevelopment, Belfast
- Nos 5&6 College Square North, Belfast
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- Moneda (formerly Lesley) House, Wellington Place, Belfast
- Swanston Hall site, Belfast
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- Primark (Bank Buildings) fire, Belfast (28 August 2018)
- Site, 13-20 College Square North, Belfast
- No 28 Donegall Place, Belfast
- Nos 22-24 Berry Street, Belfast
- Nos 17-25 College Square East, Belfast
- Nos 35-47 Donegall Place, Belfast
- Eagle Star House, Belfast
- Nos 45-52 Upper Queen Street, Belfast
- St Stephen's (CoI) parish church, Millfield, Belfast
- Buses, Donegall Place, Belfast
- Redevelopment, former North Queen Street police station, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 8 images
- Moneda (formerly Lesley) House, Wellington Place, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 2 images
- Development site, 4 College Square North, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 2 images
- Duncrue Street, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 15 images
- Nos 5&6 College Square North, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 3 images
- Nos 12/14 Cornmarket, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 5 images
- Durham House, College Square North, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 12 images
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Created: Sun, 31 May 2015, Updated: Mon, 1 Apr 2019
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