Construction of New Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square :: Shared Description

The Metrolink stop at St Peter’s Square is to be completely rebuilt. The existing stop will be demolished in summer 2015 and a new one will be built closer to the new Cenotaph and Manchester Art Gallery at the end of the Square. This will also make room for improvements to public and pedestrian areas to complement Manchester City Council’s flagship redevelopment of the square. The new Metrolink stop will have two new island style platforms and two sets of track in each direction, allowing more services to run through it on the existing lines and the new Second City Crossing. It is expected that the new stop will open late in 2016.
by David Dixon
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49 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

SJ8397 : Extending the Metrolink Station at St Peter's Square by David Dixon
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square Redevelopment (July 2015) by David Dixon
SJ8398 : New Tramlines at St Peter's Square (January 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Metrolink Work at St Peter's Square (January 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square Tram Station Construction, Late August 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square Re-opened by Gerald England
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square by Gerald England
SJ8398 : Second City Crossing Line at St Peter's Square (December 2015) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Redevelopment Work at St Peter's Square, August 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Construction of New Tram Stop at St Peter's Square (June 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8398 : Redevelopment at St Peter's Square, March 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8398 : New tramline construction at St Peter's Square by Gerald England
SJ8397 : Building St Peter's Square Metrolink Stop, March 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Construction of New Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square, April 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Re-modelling St Peter's Square (March 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Metrolink Works at St Peter's Square (January 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Construction of New Tram Stop at St Peter's Square (August 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square Tram Stop Under Construction (June 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Construction of New St Peter's Square Metrolink Stop - July 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8398 : Metrolink Construction, St Peter's Square, April 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Construction of New Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square (June 2015) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : New Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square Under Construction (April 2016) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square Metrolink Development (June 2015) by David Dixon
SJ8397 : St Peter's Square Tram Stop, April 2016 by David Dixon
SJ8398 : New Tramlines at St Peter's Square (December 2015) by David Dixon

... and 24 more images.

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Created: Tue, 9 Jun 2015, Updated: Fri, 26 Jun 2015

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2015 David Dixon, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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