Great Ormond Street roof garden :: Shared Description

The Friends garden is a space for hospital staff to sit, relax or eat. The architect Spacelab produced a concept drawing, Andy Sturgeon then designed the garden. It has two prominent arches, trees, lawns surrounded by wooden seating, small hedges, plastic hairs and tables. It is surrounded by glass panels as windbreaks. It is on the 7th floor of the Octav Botnar Building.
Normally open only to staff, it was open on a May Bank Holiday as part of the Great London Garden Trail.
by David Hawgood
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5 images use this description:

TQ3082 : View East from Great Ormond Street roof garden by David Hawgood
TQ3082 : Roof garden at Great Ormond Street Hospital by David Hawgood
TQ3082 : Frieze on statue, The Meeting Place, St Pancras Station, London N1 by Christine Matthews
TQ3082 : Great Ormond Street hospital by David Hawgood
TQ3082 : "Observant" inscribed on roof garden glass screen by David Hawgood

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Created: Mon, 3 May 2010, Updated: Wed, 6 Jul 2022

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2010 David Hawgood, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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