Site, 263-287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast :: Shared Description

There is the following planning permission (approved 19 January 2017) “LA04/2015/1310/F Construction of seven houses and two apartments with associated car parking and landscaping (amended plans) 263-287 Beersbridge Road Belfast BT5 4RS”.
The application and a drawing, available on the NI Planning Portal, show that the applicant is a housing association and that the proposed development will occupy the site of the former Woodlee Street, retaining its original (late 19th century) line.
by Albert Bridge
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8 images use this description:

J3673 : Nos 263 - 287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast (April 2018) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Nos 263-287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast - October 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Nos 263-287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast - October 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Woodlee Street, Belfast (December 2015) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Site, 263 - 287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast - December 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Nos 263-287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast (July 2017) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Nos 263-287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast (September 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3673 : Site, 263 - 287 Beersbridge Road, Belfast - December 2015(1) by Albert Bridge

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Created: Mon, 14 Dec 2015, Updated: Fri, 14 Jul 2017

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