Radcliffe Boxing Day 2015 Flooding

by David Dixon
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23 images use this description:

SD7806 : Footbridge in the River by David Dixon
SD7806 : Boxing Day Flooding 2015 - Pilkington Way Underpass by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (2) Across Bealey's Goit by David Dixon
SD7806 : Remains of Footbridge Across The Irwell at Radcliffe by David Dixon
SD7907 : The Force of Nature, Pioneer Mills Footbridge by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (7) The Football Pitches by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (4) by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (5)  Play Area and Tennis Courts by David Dixon
SD7907 : After The Flooding, Remains of Pioneer Mills Footbridge by David Dixon
SD7806 : Radcliffe Market and Radcliffe Bridge by David Dixon
SD7806 : Pilkington Way by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (1) by David Dixon
SD7806 : Boxing Day Floods, Radcliffe Bridge by David Dixon
SD7806 : River Irwell Flooding in Radcliffe Town Centre, Boxing Day 2015 by David Dixon
SD7907 : Pioneer Mills Footbridge (Flood Damage) by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (3) The Outdoor Gym by David Dixon
SD7806 : Boxing Day Floods, River Irwell Upstream from Radcliffe Bridge by David Dixon
SD7806 : Pilkington Way and Asda Car Park by David Dixon
SD7806 : Site of Footbridge Across the River Irwell near Asda by David Dixon
SD7806 : Remains of Footbridge Destroyed by Flood by David Dixon
SD7907 : Flooding at Close Park (6) by David Dixon
SD7806 : Boxing Day Floods, Radcliffe Market by David Dixon
SD7806 : River Irwell, Looking Downstream from Radcliffe Bridge by David Dixon

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Created: Tue, 29 Dec 2015, Updated: Tue, 29 Dec 2015

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2015 David Dixon, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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