King Street, Leeds :: Shared Description

The 4th White Cloth Hall was a market for the sale of undyed cloth on King Street.

The 4th White Cloth hall was built in 1868 by the North Eastern Railway company to replace the 3rd White Cloth Hall that they had to partly demolish in 1865 to build the North Eastern Viaduct to access the New Station.

The building did not last long, due to the decline in cloth manufacturing in Yorkshire. It was never fully used, and was demolished in 1895. Today the site is occupied by the Hotel Metropole. The cupola survives, incorporated onto the hotel roof
by Mark Stevenson
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6 images use this description:

SE2933 : King Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE2933 : King Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE2933 : Blue Plaque on the Metropole Hotel by Bob Harvey
SE2933 : King Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE2933 : The Metropole Hotel by Bob Harvey
SE2933 : King Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson

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Created: Sat, 16 Apr 2016, Updated: Sat, 16 Apr 2016

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2016 Mark Stevenson, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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