Centenary House, North Street, Leeds :: Shared Description

This is the old Leeds Dispensary which opened in 1904 and closed in November 1971. It replaced the previous Dispensary of 1867 which stood on the corner of Vicar Lane and New Briggate. The very earliest Dispensary opened on 24th October in 1824 in the House of Recovery on Vicar Lane, built between 1802/1804. After the House of Recovery moved to new premises in Beckett Street in 1846 the building became the Greyhound Inn (it was demolished in 1938). The 1904 Dispensary, seen here, was sold in 1972 for £71, 000 and in 1975 was bought by the centre for the Deaf and Blind people, opened by the Duke of Edinburgh on February 13th 1976.

When this pic was taken they were trying to sell the building and use the money to buy a smaller more modern building with better facilities
by Mark Stevenson
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7 images use this description:

SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson
SE3034 : Centenary House, North Street, Leeds by Mark Stevenson

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Created: Wed, 11 May 2016, Updated: Wed, 11 May 2016

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2016 Mark Stevenson, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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