Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall :: Shared Description

The present building is the fourth stone church to occupy the site. The first stone church was built around 1100 AD and the lower part of the tower is all that remains of that building today. It was extended between 1320 and 1390. From that period the church has a Norman font, holy water stoops, part of a grave slab and the tombstones of three Knights Hospitallers.

In 1490 the church was rebuilt again. There were various changes and additions until the present church was built between 1865 and 1870.

The Rev W. M. Heald, vicar of Birstall, inspired Charlotte Bronte's character the Rector Mr Hall in her novel Shirley published in 1849.

There are numerous carvings and artefacts of great historical interest in the church.
by Mark Stevenson
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65 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: John Eyres window by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Birstall parish churchyard (4) - war memorial by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : Birstall parish churchyard (2) by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: medieval font (Detail) by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: Frampton mural by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall - north porch by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Birstall parish churchyard (3) - Yeilding memorial by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: museum corner by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: medieval font by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: Resurrection window by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : Birstall parish churchyard (5) - war memorial tablets by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson
SE2126 : St Peter, Birstall: cross by Stephen Craven
SE2126 : Saint Peter's Church, Kirkgate, Birstall by Mark Stevenson

... and 40 more images.

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Created: Sat, 10 Sep 2016, Updated: Sat, 10 Sep 2016

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2016 Mark Stevenson, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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