Nos 35-47 Donegall Place, Belfast :: Shared Description

There is currently (12 August 2016) the following application for planning permission “LA04/2016/1762/F Extension and refurbishment including: a total of 3078m2 change of use from retail accommodation to commercial offices, a total of 1220m2 change of use from commercial offices to retail, provision of 1863m2 commercial accommodation within extended 4th and 5th floor, replacement facades, including new shop fronts and pedestrian entrances, internal alterations and replacement rooftop plant. 35 to 47 Donegal [sic] Place Belfast BT1 5BB”.
The building, currently occupied by Boots, has frontages onto Donegall Place and Fountain Street.
Part of the upper floors were once occupied by the Ulster Bank before it moved to Donegall Square East J3374 : The iconic facade of the Ulster Bank in Donegall Square East.
by Albert Bridge
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4 images use this description:

J3374 : Former Ulster Bank, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Nos 35-47 Donegall Place, Belfast (September 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Boots, Fountain Street, Belfast - September 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
J3374 : Boots, Fountain Street, Belfast - September 2016(2) by Albert Bridge

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Created: Mon, 12 Sep 2016, Updated: Mon, 12 Sep 2016

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