The New Club, Princes Street :: Shared Description

The New Club was founded on 1 February 1787, originally as a gentlemen's club. It was completely rebuilt in the 1960s and the result is an A-listed building described as ‘the finest example of a Princes Street Panel building’. The Princes Street façade is faced with Rubislaw Granite and plate glass, and has distinctive cantilevered sections. There are shops at the street level. Designed by Allan Reiach, Eric Hall and Partners, they incorporated the recommendations of the Princes Street Panel which included the aspiration for a continuous first-floor walkway along Princes Street, an aspiration that never became reality. LinkExternal link , LinkExternal link .
by M J Richardson
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3 images use this description:

NT2573 : The New Club, Princes Street by M J Richardson
NT2573 : 84-87  Princes Street, incorporating the New Club by M J Richardson
NT2573 : The New Club, Princes Street by M J Richardson

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Created: Mon, 13 Feb 2017, Updated: Mon, 13 Feb 2017

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