Business postbox for franked mail :: Shared Description

The distinctive business postbox for franked mail was introduced in the mid-1990s. Before the advent of such boxes, franked mail could not be posted in a letter box and thus had to be handed in at a post or sorting office unless the business had a visit from the postman. (The reason for this is that ordinary stamped mail would be sent to the sorting office and postmarked, whereas franked mail is already dated by the sender's franking machine.)

Because it is designed for business mail, it is found usually in business parks and industrial estates or in areas of town which are heavily occupied by businesses – and has relatively late final collection times.

It is opened by pulling down the black handle on the sliding opening, and when the final collection of the day is made it will be locked shut and reopened the next weekday morning (including Saturday if the box has a Saturday collection). This is because, as franked mail is dated by the customer rather than at the sorting office, it must be posted on the same day as the date indicated on the franked impression. By accepting later items which would not be collected till the following day, it would give the false impression that Royal Mail had taken a day longer to deliver the item.
by Chris Downer
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178 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

SU1485 : Postboxes on Newcombe Drive, Swindon by JThomas
SE6132 : Entrance to Royal Mail delivery office on Micklegate, Selby by JThomas
J3474 : Metered-mail box (BT1 393), High Street, Belfast (July 2016) by Albert Bridge
SK5837 : Postboxes on Bridgford Road by Alan Murray-Rust
TA1329 : Building near sluice, King George Dock, Hull by JThomas
TQ3381 : London: postbox №s EC3 308 and 309, Leadenhall Street by Chris Downer
NZ2559 : Royal Mail business box on Eastern Avenue by JThomas
SD1869 : Royal Mail parcel and business box on Ironworks Road, Barrow-in-Furness by JThomas
TA0630 : Industrial building on National Avenue, Hull by JThomas
TA0929 : The Maltings, Hull by JThomas
SU0501 : Stapehill: postbox №s BH21 186 and 522, Cobham Road by Chris Downer
SJ8096 : Postboxes on Trafford Wharf Road by Gerald England
TA0325 : Elizabeth II postboxes on Livingstone Road, Hessle by JThomas
SY8286 : Winfrith Newburgh: postbox №s DT2 501 and 504, Winfrith Technology Centre by Chris Downer
ST2075 : Royal Mail business box on Lewis Road, Cardiff by JThomas
SK4150 : Codnor Gate Business Box Ref. DE5  786 by Alan Murray-Rust
TA0929 : Postboxes on Cumberland Street, Hull by JThomas
TQ3183 : Duncan Terrace, London N1 by JThomas
SZ0393 : Canford Heath: postbox № BH12 600, Ling Road by Chris Downer
SP3585 : Elizabeth II postboxes on Bayton Road, Exhall by JThomas
TA1032 : Antwerp Road, Hull by JThomas
TQ3589 : Royal Mail business box on Blackhorse Lane, Walthamstow by JThomas
TQ3282 : Royal Mail business box on Old Street, London EC1 by JThomas
TA1032 : Royal Mail business box on Oslo Road, Hull by JThomas
TA1329 : Road from Alexandra Dock, Hull by JThomas

... and 153 more images.

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Created: Sun, 15 Nov 2009, Updated: Tue, 24 Nov 2009

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2009 Chris Downer, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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