Boultham Mere Nature Reserve :: Shared Description

Boultham Mere LinkExternal link is a 47 acre marsh / wetland habitat formerly known as Skewbridge Ballast Pit, gifted to Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust by the British Railways Property Board in 1988.
The reserve attracts many wintering wildfowl, including teal, shoveler, goosander and goldeneye. There are also many breeding birds, including up to 20 pairs of both reed and sedge warblers, two pairs of great crested grebes and three pairs of little grebes. Kingfisher and common tern also breed on the reserve. The reserve provides one of only two regular sites in Lincolnshire for wintering bittern. In recent years, scarce birds recorded include Savi's warbler, marsh warbler, purple heron, goshawk, Mediterranean gull, little gull, hobby and osprey. The reserve and adjoining drain are rich in dragonflies and damselflies with 12 species regularly recorded. Many butterflies may be seen in summer, including orange-tip, ringlet, large skipper, meadow brown and wall brown. Flowering plants of interest include lesser water-plantain and waterviolet.
by Richard Croft
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4 images use this description:

SK9571 : Boultham Mere Nature Reserve by Richard Croft
SK9571 : Boultham Mere Nature Reserve by Richard Croft
SK9571 : Boultham Mere Nature Reserve by Richard Croft
SK9571 : Boultham Mere by Richard Croft

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Created: Sun, 23 Apr 2017, Updated: Mon, 24 Apr 2017

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