Fore Abbey :: Shared Description

Founded in 630 by St Feichin.
In the 13th century Hugh de Lacy, Lord of Meath built the Bendictine priory in the valley. Many of the buildings that remain today (in ruins) are from the 15th century and have been restored throughout this century, making Fore Abbey the largest Benedictine remains in Ireland. This priory was dedicated to both St Feichin and St Taurin, the Évreux, Normandy abbot of the parent monastery. The abbey is a national monument.
by N Chadwick
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4 images use this description:

N5170 : Part of Fore Abbey by N Chadwick
N5170 : Fore Abbey by N Chadwick
N5170 : Fore Abbey by N Chadwick
N5170 : Fore Abbey by N Chadwick

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Created: Sun, 16 Sep 2018, Updated: Sun, 16 Sep 2018

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