Frank Sherwin Bridge :: Shared Description

Frank Sherwin Bridge is a road bridge spanning the River Liffey in Dublin. It joins St. John's Road and the south quays from Heuston Station to Wolfe Tone Quay and Parkgate Street on the Northside.
Designed within Dublin Corporation's "Road Design Division", the bridge is a three-span reinforced concrete structure.
Frank Sherwin Bridge was opened in 1982 to remove traffic from the much older and narrower Sean Heuston Bridge. (Sean Heuston Bridge had weight restrictions that prohibited truck and/or bus traffic.)
The bridge was named after Dublin politician Frank Sherwin.
by N Chadwick
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4 images use this description:

O1334 : Frank Sherwin Bridge by N Chadwick
O1334 : Frank Sherwin Bridge by N Chadwick
O1334 : R148, Frank Sherwin Bridge by N Chadwick
O1334 : Frank Sherwin Bridge by N Chadwick

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Created: Fri, 14 Dec 2018, Updated: Fri, 14 Dec 2018

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2018 N Chadwick, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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