Fourth District Pumping station, near Pode Hole :: Shared Description

Designed to lift water from the Fourth District Main Drain and the Blue Gowt into Vernatt's drain. Built in 1952, as attested above the door, and fitted with two electric pumps.

There is a plaque inside which says "This pumping station was opened by Capt. P.H.E Welby-Everard DSC RN 2nd January 1953". This is Philip Herbert Earle Welby-Everard, whose service life is listed at LinkExternal link . But that is not why he opened the pump station. His father, E.E.E.Welby-Everard was chairman of the Internal Drainage Board and of the Welland Catchment Board as well. The father died in 1945 and the pumps herein were named in his memory, and of course it was natural to ask his son to dedicate them.
by Bob Harvey

9 images use this description:

TF2122 : Gated footpath by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Fourth District Pumping station by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Pole transformer by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Fourth District Pumping station by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Pumping station name by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : What 3 Words by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Fourth District Pumping station by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Raptor box by Bob Harvey
TF2122 : Fourth District Main Drain by Bob Harvey

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Created: Mon, 26 Apr 2021, Updated: Tue, 11 May 2021

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2021 Bob Harvey, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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