Brownsover Hall :: Shared Description

Brownsover Hall was built in the mid C19th by Sir George Gilbert Scott for the then-owners the Ward-Boughton-Leigh family. It is principally of red brick with stone dressings and blue brick patterns (some of which look rather like space invaders!) and is in the Victorian Gothic style.
Between 1936 and 1942 it was the home of famous inventor, Sir Frank Whittle, inventor of the jet engine.
In the 1970s it was converted into a hotel, which it still is. Including those in various annexes (such as the stables) it has 47 bedrooms. It is set within 7 acres of landscaped grounds which are bounded on the western side by the disused Brownsover Arm of the Oxford Canal. The nearby Swift Valley nature reserve can be accessed via the canal towpath exterior to grounds.
The hotel's website: LinkExternal link
English Heritage listings:
Brownsover Hall (main house) (Grade II*) LinkExternal link
Stable Block (Grade II) LinkExternal link
Coach House (Grade II) LinkExternal link
Coachman's Cottage (Grade II) LinkExternal link

by Rob Farrow
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8 images use this description:

SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - Stable Block - northern range by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - Bridge over Brownsover Arm by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - from its southern gardens by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - Honeysuckle flowers by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - Path into garden by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - Stable Block - eastern range by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Reeds and trees north of Brownsover Hall Hotel by Rob Farrow
SP5077 : Brownsover Hall Hotel - Honeysuckle seat by Rob Farrow

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Created: Thu, 3 Jun 2021, Updated: Thu, 3 Jun 2021

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2021 Rob Farrow, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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