Gratitude (Manchester) :: Shared Description

Gratitude is a spectacular public art installation which honours and pays tribute to the courage and dedication of NHS staff and other key workers during the coronavirus pandemic. The installation consists of a collection of 51 life-sized, "human-form" sculptures which have been decorated by local and national artists and stand together as a public expression of thanks to NHS staff and other key workers who got us through the crisis. It is the first touring show from public art producers Wild in Art, better known for their public art trails.

Gratitude will visit four UK cities; Birmingham (August 20-30), Manchester (September 3-12), Edinburgh (September 17-26) and London (October 1-10). The statues will be auctioned on October 12 to raise money for NHS Charities.
by David Dixon
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20 images use this description:

SJ8397 : Gratitude#16, Connect by David Dixon
SJ8397 : The Gratitude Installation at St Peter's Square by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Retail Therapy, Panic Buying by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude #36 Retail Therapy by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude, St Peter's Square by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude outside the Library by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Faces of Lockdown, Johnson, Ardern, Whitty by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude#2, Stardust by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude Manchester, St Peter's Square by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Our Heroes in Blue, Gratitude#1 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Clap for Carers by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude, Nurses in Bin Bag PPE by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude#20 "Faces of Lockdown" by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude#50, WWW by David Dixon
SJ8397 : A Hug For the World, Gratitude#7 by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude, St Peter's Square Manchester by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude Manchester by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude; Barnard Castle  - A Short Drive to see if I Could Drive Safely by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude#33, Our Teacher Our Hero by David Dixon
SJ8397 : Gratitude#37, Rise by David Dixon

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Created: Thu, 9 Sep 2021, Updated: Thu, 9 Sep 2021

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2021 David Dixon, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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