St John the Evangelist, Leeds :: Shared Description

Said to be the oldest remaining church building in Leeds, St John's was the creation of wealthy merchant John Harrison. Consecrated in 1634 (though building may have started some years earlier) it was reordered in 1807, in 1830-38 by John Clark, in 1866-1868 by Richard Norman Shaw and by Temple Moore in the 1890s. A more detailed description is given in the listing (see below) and a full history by Janet Douglas can be found in the 2005 Leeds volume of the Pevsner guides.

St John's is no longer open for regular worship having closed as a parish church in 1975. In 1977 it was vested in the Churches Conservation Trust who carried out further restoration and since 2012 have opened it to the public on Heritage Open Days and a few other occasions each year. The churchyard, closed to burials in 1986, remains accessible at all times and is one of the few green spaces in the city centre.

The church building is listed grade I and the churchyard boundary walls grade II (list entries 1375157 and 1375159 respectively).
by Stephen Craven
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11 images use this description:

SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - west window by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - arms of Charles I by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - window in the Harrison chapel by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - nave looking west by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - shields by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - pulpit by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - Harrison memorial by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - nave looking east by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - pew details by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - communion table by Stephen Craven
SE3033 : St John's, Leeds - arms of James I by Stephen Craven

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Created: Sun, 12 Sep 2021, Updated: Mon, 13 Sep 2021

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2021 Stephen Craven, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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