Zebras, Pandas, Pelicans and Toucans :: Shared Description

In 1934 transport minister Leslie Hore-Belisha introduced the iconic zebra crossing with its eponymous beacons. With the advent of faster and faster roads came the Panda with its triangular black and white pattern. Next came one for cyclists and pedestrians because "two can" cross and then the PEdestrian LIght CONtrolled Crossing. Believe it or not there is also one for horses- the pegasus. One for cows hurrying to be milked, the Moove, was abandoned at the prototype stage...
by Basher Eyre
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80 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

TM2850 : Zebra crossing in The Street by Basher Eyre
TG2309 : Zebra crossing in Palace Street by Basher Eyre
TQ1279 : Zebra crossing in Featherstone Road by Basher Eyre
TQ3281 : Zebra crossing in Silk Street by Basher Eyre
SU8832 : Zebra crossing in Liphook Road by Basher Eyre
SU9490 : Zebra crossing in London End by Basher Eyre
TQ1279 : Zebra crossing at the bottom of King Street by Basher Eyre
TQ0058 : Zebra crossing in Heathside Road by Basher Eyre
TQ2781 : Slow, slow, quick, quick, slower (180) by Basher Eyre
TQ3179 : Zebra crossing nearing the Imperial War Museum by Basher Eyre
TQ3179 : Zebra crossing in Lambeth Road by Basher Eyre
SU9057 : Zebra crossing in Deepcut Bridge Road by Basher Eyre
TQ3281 : The City: Magnus Magnusson time (49) by Basher Eyre
SU8538 : Zebra crossing in Churt village centre by Basher Eyre
TF9229 : Zebra crossing outside The Rampant Horse by Basher Eyre
SZ8593 : Zebra crossing in Selsey High Street by Basher Eyre
SZ6399 : Zebra crossing in Museum Road by Basher Eyre
SU4112 : Zebra crossing in Bedford Place by Basher Eyre
TQ2880 : 38:Goodbye Piccadilly... by Basher Eyre
TQ1279 : Looking from King Street towards the New Asian Tandoori by Basher Eyre
TQ3082 : Zebra crossing at the western end of Great Ormond Street by Basher Eyre
SZ6399 : Zebra crossing at the junction of Castle Road and Southsea Terrace by Basher Eyre
SU9059 : Zebra crossing in Martindale Avenue by Basher Eyre
SJ8847 : Zebra crossing in Pall Mall by Basher Eyre
SU6205 : Zebra crossing at King Richard School by Basher Eyre

... and 55 more images.

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Created: Sun, 21 Nov 2021, Updated: Sun, 21 Nov 2021

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2021 Basher Eyre, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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