St Dunstan in the East Church Garden :: Shared Description

See: LinkExternal link
"The Church of St Dunstan was originally built around 1100 and is a Grade I listed building. A new south aisle was added in 1391 and was repaired in 1631. It was severely damaged in 1666 by the Great Fire of London.

The Church was again severely damaged in the Blitz of 1941. Wren's tower and steeple survived the bombing. During the re-organisation of the Anglican Church after World war II it was decided not to rebuild St Dunstan’s. In 1967 the City of London decided to turn the remains into a public garden, which opened in 1970"

Also see:
Secret London: LinkExternal link
Wikipedia: LinkExternal link
by Roger Jones
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4 images use this description:

TQ3380 : St Dunstan in the East Church Garden - window detail by Roger Jones
TQ3280 : A view of The Shard from St Dunstan-in-the-East by Roger Jones
TQ3380 : Summer Sunlight at St Dunstan in the East Church Garden by Roger Jones
TQ3380 : St. Dunstan in the East by Chris Heaton

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Created: Sat, 8 Apr 2023, Updated: Sat, 8 Apr 2023

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2023 Roger Jones, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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