The Rolling Bridge over The Ulverston Canal :: Shared Description

The rolling bridge carried the Furness Railway Company's line over the Ulverston Canal. It was built to avoid the construction of a long earthwork and bridge that would otherwise have been necessary to get over the canal. It is designated a Type C19 and was designed by Frank Stylman.The bridge opened to allow ships to use the canal by rolling back on wheels into a dock on the southern bank under the power of hydraulic rams. The bridge was constructed in 1883 and was used until 1994. The structure is listed.
by habiloid
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7 images use this description:

SD3078 : Support structure for The Rolling Bridge, The Ulverston Canal by habiloid
SD3078 : Rolling Bridge over Ulverston Canal by DS Pugh
SD3078 : The Rolling Bridge over The Ulverston Canal by habiloid
SD3078 : The Ulverston Canal seen from the Rolling Bridge by habiloid
SD3078 : The Rolling Bridge information point on The Ulverston Canal by habiloid
SD3078 : Bridge Number 3 by Adrian Taylor
SD3078 : The Rolling Bridge over The Ulverston Canal by habiloid

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Created: Sun, 11 Jun 2023, Updated: Sun, 11 Jun 2023

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