The Ballyskeagh High Bridge, Drumbeg/Lambeg :: Shared Description
A two-arch bridge, built about 1760 of local sandstone, carrying the Ballyskeagh Road (from Drumbeg to Lambeg) across the towpath and disused Lagan canal. The road is much higher than the canal – an interesting challenge for a civil engineer 250 years ago. The bridge is narrow and now has a separate footbridge on the northern side. There is no direct access from the bridge to the towpath. Pedestrians and cyclists use the entrance to McIlroy Park on the Belfast side of the bridge.
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- Drumbo Park Greyhound Stadium
- M1 service areas, Dunmurry/Lisburn
- The Killeaton Amenity Area
- Former McGredy rose garden, Derriaghy
- The Lambeg Bridge, Lambeg
- Development site, The Cutts, Derriaghy
- Aberdelghy Wood, Lambeg/Derriaghy
- Derelict lockkeeper's house, Mc Quiston's Lock, Lagan canal
- Former Charley Memorial Primary School, Drumbeg
- Former Hilden national school, Hilden
- Old Forge, Dunmurry
- Hilden Village houses, Hilden
- The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge
- Barbour's Mill, Hilden, Lisburn
- Snow, Dunmurry 7 December 2010
- Nos 1-7 Glenburn Road, Dunmurry
- Roses, Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park, Belfast
- Former Presbyterian church, Dunmurry
- Railway bridge, Hilden
- The Meeting House level crossing, Dunmurry
- Roses, Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park, Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 9 images
- The Lambeg Bridge, Lambeg
By Albert Bridge. Used on 11 images
- Former Charley Memorial Primary School, Drumbeg
By Albert Bridge. Used on 4 images
- Aberdelghy Wood, Lambeg/Derriaghy
By Albert Bridge. Used on 13 images
- The River Lagan at the Drum Bridge
By Albert Bridge. Used on 23 images
- The Hillhall Road (proposed widening), Lisburn
By Albert Bridge. Used on 12 images
- Drumbo Park Greyhound Stadium
By Rossographer. Used on 6 images
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Created: Sun, 22 Aug 2010, Updated: Sun, 22 Aug 2010
The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2010 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.