Glencairn's Greit House :: Shared Description

The house was built for the Earls of Glencairn, and dates back to 1623, if not earlier. Although much modified since then, it is Dumbarton's oldest standing building. See LinkExternal link for a photograph of it, taken in the 1890s.
by Lairich Rig
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11 images use this description:

NS3975 : The rear of Glencairn's Greit House by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Plaque on Glencairn's Greit House by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Quay Pend by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Dumbarton Credit Union by Richard Sutcliffe
NS3975 : Glencairn's Greit House in the High Street by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Ancient stones, Glencairn's Greit House by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Glencairn's Greit House (detail) by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : The rear of Glencairn's Greit House by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Quay Pend by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Plaque on Glencairn's Greit House by Lairich Rig
NS3975 : Glencairn's Greit House by Lairich Rig

These Shared Descriptions are common to multiple images. For example, you can create a generic description for an object shown in a photo, and reuse the description on all photos of the object. All descriptions are public and shared between contributors, i.e. you can reuse a description created by others, just as they can use yours.
Created: Sat, 21 Nov 2009, Updated: Fri, 27 Nov 2015

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2009 Lairich Rig, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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