City Quays, Belfast :: Shared Description

A large-scale redevelopment of an area of disused harbour land (including the former Donegall Quay ferry terminal), on the seaward side of the cross-harbour bridges.
It includes three office buildings, a hotel and a multi-storey car park.
The third office building (CQ3) received planning permission on 5 February 2019 “City Quays 3 - erection of 16 storey office accommodation (74 metres maximum height) comprising 23,976 sq metres of gross floorspace, associated access, public realm and other ancillary development. Lands approximately 100m north of M3 Cross Harbour Bridge and bounded by the River Lagan to the east Donegall Quay and Clarendon Dock to the north Corporation Square and Clarendon Quay to the west”.
by Albert Bridge
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312 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

J3474 : The City Quays hotel site, Belfast - August 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : Disused ferry terminal, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : CQ2, City Quays, Belfast - October 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
J3475 : City Quays site, Belfast by Rossographer
J3474 : City Quays hotel construction, Belfast (July 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : CQ1, City Quays, Belfast - September 2014(4) by Albert Bridge
J3475 : CQ1, City Quays site, Belfast - January 2014 (1) by Albert Bridge
J3475 : CQ1, City Quays site, Belfast - May 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The "Coastrunner", Belfast (August 2014) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : City Quays hotel site, Belfast - January 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Marriott Hotel car park, Belfast (May 2018) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : CQ2, City Quays site, Belfast (November 2015) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : CQ3, City Quays, Belfast - May 2019(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - February 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : CQ2, City Quays, Belfast - December 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays hotel site, Belfast - December 2017(2) by Albert Bridge
J3475 : CQ1, City Quays site, Belfast - February 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - August 2017(4) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - August 2018(4) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - March 2018(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - August 2018(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - August 2017(1) by Albert Bridge
J3475 : CQ1, City Quays, Belfast - November 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : Former ferry terminal, Belfast (6) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The City Quays car park site, Belfast - September 2018(1) by Albert Bridge

... and 287 more images.

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Created: Sun, 24 Oct 2010, Updated: Sun, 10 Feb 2019

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2010 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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