The “North East Quarter” (formerly “Royal Exchange”), Belfast :: Shared Description
The abandoned “Royal Exchange” development was a major mixed-use scheme proposed for the most neglected part of central Belfast. Based on my interpretation of the “artist’s impression” it would have covered part of lower Donegall Street, lower North Street, Garfield Street and part of Royal Avenue.
In November 2015 the Department for Social Development admitted that the scheme had been abandoned and that it had, inter alia, commissioned a study to "examine the relationship between retail, leisure and commercial office investment in the continuing regeneration of Belfast".
Note added 25 August 2016: with the “Royal Exchange” proposal now abandoned there is the following new application (26 August 2016 (advertised date)) for planning permission “LA04/2016/1603/F Proposal to Vary Conditions 2-5 of Z/2010/1532/F of the Royal Exchange, Belfast to allow for the development to be phased through a Phasing and Implementation Plan to include demolition and construction parcel plans to be submitted for agreement by Council; and to also vary conditions 6-13 (traffic and parking) 14-18 (contaminated land) 21-29 (landscaping) 30-32 (archaeology and listed buildings) and 33 (environmental designations) to enable conditions of the development to be discharged, on a to be agreed phased basis. Proposed development at lands bounded by nos 31-101 Royal Avenue Church Street William Street Writers Square Nos 40 to 16 Donegall Street No. 2 Waring Street 1-21 Bridge Street Nos 2-18 High Street Nos 1-27 Lombard Street Nos 33 to 55 Rosemary Street and including North Street and Nos. 2-14 Lower Garfield Street.”
Note added 11 November 2017
There are now the following applications for planning permission (all 11 October 2017):
1 - “LA04/2017/2342/DCA Demolition of building 32-40 Donegall Street Belfast BT1 2GQ”
2 – “LA04/2017/2343/DCA Demolition of buildings Temple Court St Anne's Cathedral Precinct & St Anne's Court 39-65 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA”
3 – “LA04/2017/2344/DCA Demolition of building 5-9 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA”
4 – “LA04/2017/2345/DCA Demolition of buildings 3-5 and 9-13 Rosemary Street (BT1 1QA) and 2-22 and 30-34 North Street (BT1 1LA) Belfast”
5 – “LA04/2017/2346/LBC Demolition of rear return and construction of single storey rear extension consisting ground floor retail units and 6 apartments above. Reconfiguration of ground floor retail units and 1st floor double height assembly hall. Central Halls 37-39 Rosemary Street Belfast BT1 1QB”
6 – “LA04/2017/2347/LBC Partial demolition of side rear extension and internal alterations including amended floor levels, removal of internal partitions, new elevations to create an entrance (staircase) side extension. Lower ground, first and second floor side extension. Masonic Hall 15 Rosemary Street Belfast BT1 1QA”
7 – “LA04/2017/2348/LBC Partial demolition of North Street Arcade to retain its facades and partial reconstruction of end blocks. 1-34 North Street Arcade 26-30 Donegall Street and 35-37 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA”
8 – “LA04/2017/2349/LBC Partial demolition, 5 storey rear extension and refurbishment to provide retail uses at ground floor level and office accommodation to the upper floors. 41-51 Royal Avenue Belfast BT1 1FD”
9 – “LA04/2017/2350/DCA Demolition of buildings 16-24 Donegall Street (BT1 2GP) 13-31 North Street (BT1 1NA) Belfast”
10 – “LA04/2017/2352/LBC Renovation, 6 storey extension and change of use to provide a hotel with associated restaurant and bar uses. Assembly Building Former Northern Bank 2 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2DX”
and (21 November 2017) “LA04/2017/2606/DCA Demolition of building 52-63 Royal Avenue and 16 Lower Garfield Street Belfast BT1 1FD”
The photographs submitted by me appear as a neutral matter of record only. I have no connection with the scheme and express no opinions about it.
I cannot enter into correspondence.
In November 2015 the Department for Social Development admitted that the scheme had been abandoned and that it had, inter alia, commissioned a study to "examine the relationship between retail, leisure and commercial office investment in the continuing regeneration of Belfast".
Note added 25 August 2016: with the “Royal Exchange” proposal now abandoned there is the following new application (26 August 2016 (advertised date)) for planning permission “LA04/2016/1603/F Proposal to Vary Conditions 2-5 of Z/2010/1532/F of the Royal Exchange, Belfast to allow for the development to be phased through a Phasing and Implementation Plan to include demolition and construction parcel plans to be submitted for agreement by Council; and to also vary conditions 6-13 (traffic and parking) 14-18 (contaminated land) 21-29 (landscaping) 30-32 (archaeology and listed buildings) and 33 (environmental designations) to enable conditions of the development to be discharged, on a to be agreed phased basis. Proposed development at lands bounded by nos 31-101 Royal Avenue Church Street William Street Writers Square Nos 40 to 16 Donegall Street No. 2 Waring Street 1-21 Bridge Street Nos 2-18 High Street Nos 1-27 Lombard Street Nos 33 to 55 Rosemary Street and including North Street and Nos. 2-14 Lower Garfield Street.”
Note added 11 November 2017
There are now the following applications for planning permission (all 11 October 2017):
1 - “LA04/2017/2342/DCA Demolition of building 32-40 Donegall Street Belfast BT1 2GQ”
2 – “LA04/2017/2343/DCA Demolition of buildings Temple Court St Anne's Cathedral Precinct & St Anne's Court 39-65 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA”
3 – “LA04/2017/2344/DCA Demolition of building 5-9 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA”
4 – “LA04/2017/2345/DCA Demolition of buildings 3-5 and 9-13 Rosemary Street (BT1 1QA) and 2-22 and 30-34 North Street (BT1 1LA) Belfast”
5 – “LA04/2017/2346/LBC Demolition of rear return and construction of single storey rear extension consisting ground floor retail units and 6 apartments above. Reconfiguration of ground floor retail units and 1st floor double height assembly hall. Central Halls 37-39 Rosemary Street Belfast BT1 1QB”
6 – “LA04/2017/2347/LBC Partial demolition of side rear extension and internal alterations including amended floor levels, removal of internal partitions, new elevations to create an entrance (staircase) side extension. Lower ground, first and second floor side extension. Masonic Hall 15 Rosemary Street Belfast BT1 1QA”
7 – “LA04/2017/2348/LBC Partial demolition of North Street Arcade to retain its facades and partial reconstruction of end blocks. 1-34 North Street Arcade 26-30 Donegall Street and 35-37 North Street Belfast BT1 1NA”
8 – “LA04/2017/2349/LBC Partial demolition, 5 storey rear extension and refurbishment to provide retail uses at ground floor level and office accommodation to the upper floors. 41-51 Royal Avenue Belfast BT1 1FD”
9 – “LA04/2017/2350/DCA Demolition of buildings 16-24 Donegall Street (BT1 2GP) 13-31 North Street (BT1 1NA) Belfast”
10 – “LA04/2017/2352/LBC Renovation, 6 storey extension and change of use to provide a hotel with associated restaurant and bar uses. Assembly Building Former Northern Bank 2 Waring Street Belfast BT1 2DX”
and (21 November 2017) “LA04/2017/2606/DCA Demolition of building 52-63 Royal Avenue and 16 Lower Garfield Street Belfast BT1 1FD”
The photographs submitted by me appear as a neutral matter of record only. I have no connection with the scheme and express no opinions about it.
I cannot enter into correspondence.
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Created: Sun, 7 Nov 2010, Updated: Mon, 18 Dec 2017
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