The Holywood bypass :: Shared Description
A stretch of road opened in 1972 (and then called the Holywood through pass), on the Belfast – Bangor road, from near Palace Barracks to the Croft Road.
More nearby...
- "The Front" development, Holywood
- Railway bridge, Holywood
- High tide and flood alert, Holywood (6 January 2014)
- Nos 27-33 Church View, Holywood
- Nos 2-8, Downshire Road, Holywood
- Nos 122/124 High Street, Holywood
- Sunset, Holywood - 25 August 2011
- "The Priory" development site, Holywood
- Former Reading Rooms, Holywood
- The Priory church and graveyard, Holywood
- Development site, Kinnegar Drive, Holywood
- Holywood war memorial
- No 8B Demesne Road, Holywood
- Holywood Rugby Club (possible redevelopment)
- Glenlyon, Holywood
- Fungi, Ballymenoch Park, Holywood 8 November 2013
- Redburn Country Park, Holywood/Belfast
- No 375 Old Holywood Road, Holywood
- The Holywood Exchange flyover
By Albert Bridge. Used on 9 images
- Railway bridge, Holywood
By Albert Bridge. Used on 8 images
- Redburn Country Park, Holywood/Belfast
By Albert Bridge. Used on 42 images
- "The Priory" development site, Holywood
By Albert Bridge. Used on 19 images
- Window on Wildlife (WoW), Belfast harbour
By Albert Bridge. Used on 22 images
- The Priory church and graveyard, Holywood
By Albert Bridge. Used on 19 images
- No 375 Old Holywood Road, Holywood
By Albert Bridge. Used on 3 images
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Created: Tue, 9 Aug 2011, Updated: Tue, 9 Aug 2011
The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2011 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.