World War Z on location :: Shared Description

Glasgow played host to a cast and crew of about 1,200 people (including Brad Pitt), who were involved in shooting some key scenes for the post-apocalyptic film "World War Z" between 15th and 30th August 2011.

Parts of the city centre around George Square were transformed to resemble downtown Philadelphia, where some of the movie is set. Green street signs and yellow traffic lights were some of the more obvious changes to the casual observer.

George Square and several surrounding streets were closed to road traffic during the filming.

Filming of the Paramount Pictures movie, which is based on the Max Brooks novel World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War, also took place in Valletta in Malta and in Cornwall.
by Thomas Nugent
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15 images use this description:

NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent
NS5965 : Philadelphia street scene in Glasgow by Thomas Nugent

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Created: Wed, 31 Aug 2011, Updated: Mon, 3 Dec 2012

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2011 Thomas Nugent, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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