King George's Fields :: Shared Description

As a memorial to King George V after his death in 1936, a foundation was established to give capital grants to towns and villages for the provision of playing fields: "any open space used for the purpose of outdoor games, sports and pastimes." All sites were to be called 'King George’s Field' and distinguished by heraldic panels that were usually displayed at a specially designed entrance. 471 schemes in the UK received grants from the Foundation. In 1965 the responsibility for establishing and preserving King George's Fields passed to the National Playing Fields Association. LinkExternal link
by Robin Stott
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126 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

SO9218 : King George V Playing Field nameboard, Shurdington by Jaggery
H4572 : Entrance, King George V Field, Omagh by Kenneth  Allen
SU6505 : North-west corner of King George V Playing Fields by Basher Eyre
NS5579 : Strathblane and the Strathblane Hills by Richard Sutcliffe
TQ2693 : Dollis Valley Green Walk, Totteridge by Christine Matthews
NS5579 : King George V Playing Field, Blanefield by Richard Sutcliffe
ST5196 : Children's slide, St Arvans, Monmouthshire by Jaggery
SX9272 : Entrance pillars and dog bin, St George's Field by Robin Stott
TQ3579 : King George's Field, Rotherhithe by Stephen Craven
SP3610 : Basketball Court (1), King George's Field, Newland, Witney, Oxon by P L Chadwick
SJ9272 : Memorial stone, The Tip, Macclesfield by Robin Stott
SJ9272 : BMX track at The Tip by Robin Stott
NS3473 : Lion Plaque by Thomas Nugent
SK6412 : King George's Field, Queniborough by Alan Murray-Rust
NS4274 : Carved stonework, King George's Field by Lairich Rig
SU6505 : King George V Playing Fields by Basher Eyre
SK6412 : King George's Field, Queniborough by Alan Murray-Rust
NS5571 : The Pagoda, King George V Park by Richard Sutcliffe
SN3040 : King George's Field entrance gates, Newcastle Emlyn by Jaggery
SK5941 : King George V playing field, Carlton by Alan Murray-Rust
SO9218 : King George V Playing Field entrance gate, Shurdington  by Jaggery
SN3040 : Anti-litter notice at an entrance to King George's Field, Newcastle Emlyn by Jaggery
SX9272 : Green seat against the wall to the allotments by Robin Stott
ST4788 : Unicorn depiction in Caldicot by Jaggery
SO9218 : Home ground of Shurdington Cricket Club by Jaggery

... and 101 more images.

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Created: Wed, 7 Dec 2011, Updated: Wed, 7 Dec 2011

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2011 Robin Stott, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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