The Waterfront Hall, Belfast :: Shared Description

The Waterfront Hall, between the Lagan and Oxford Street, was completed in 1997 as a purpose-built venue for concerts, exhibitions and conferences. On 1 February 2012 Belfast City Council announced “A £20 million proposal to extend Belfast Waterfront to provide dedicated conference and exhibition facilities”. No further information available.
Note added 2 March 2014 – there is now the following application for planning permission ” Z/2013/1365/F Land bounded by Waterfront Hall 2 Lanyon Place and the River Lagan Belfast BT1 3WH New conference and exhibition facilities augmenting the existing Waterfront hall and incorporating multi-functional spaces, ancillary dining facilities, offices and storage and associated infrastructure and site works”.
The following is an extract from a Belfast City Council press release issued towards the end of April 2014: “Work is expected to start in summer 2014, subject to planning permission, and take two years to complete, with the new facilities open for business by summer 2016. The additional facilities will be integrated within the existing building and located at the rear of the current venue, extending onto the walkway adjacent to the Hilton Hotel. Belfast Waterfront will continue to operate as usual during the construction period. The Lagan Walkway between Laganbank Road and Oxford Street, via Belfast Waterfront, is closing from April 2014 until spring 2016. This is for health and safety reasons, as initial works begin on the new extension, ahead of the start of the main construction”.
Note added 4 October 2014 - the Planning Service website shows that the application received permission on 23 September 2014.
by Albert Bridge
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114 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (December 2015) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2014(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (June 2018) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - April 2015(11) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast -September 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - March 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - February 2015(2) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2014(6) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - April 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(5) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(6) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - November 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(4) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - March 2015(8) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (June 2014) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast -September 2015(1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - May 2015(6) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (2012-1) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - March 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - October 2015(3) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - April 2015(5) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast - March 2015(4) by Albert Bridge
J3474 : The Waterfront Hall, Belfast (2012-5) by Albert Bridge

... and 89 more images.

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Created: Mon, 6 Feb 2012, Updated: Sat, 4 Oct 2014

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2012 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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