Croal Mill :: Shared Description

Built in 1908 for the Croal Spinning Company to the design of Bradshaw and Gass, who designed a number of mills in the area and who are still in business. LinkExternal link
The mill closed as a spinning mill in 1967 but is now in use as a mail order warehouse as part of the Littlewoods group. It is a fine example of a mill form this period with interesting decorative relief, and many of the ancillary buildings still survive.
It is Listed Grade II, and the following is a quote from the listing details: "A striking detailed early C20 mill, by a notable specialist architectural practice, which survives almost intact, and which shows how the manufacturing processes were separated on different storeys of the building."
An unusual feature of the mill is the use of a grey terracotta as relief to the brickwork which gives the impression of stone, which is how it was described in the listing at the time of my visit. However, careful inspection on my visit showed that the material is definitely ceramic and not stone, and the listing details have since been modified to reflect this. The light coloured bricks would almost certainly have been manufactured from the same material as the more ornamental features such as window surrounds and the volutes on the tower.
by Alan Murray-Rust
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7 images use this description:

SD7008 : Croal Mill - 1  by Alan Murray-Rust
SD7008 : Langley Drive by Alan Murray-Rust
SD7008 : Croal Mill - 3  by Alan Murray-Rust
SD7008 : Croal Mill - 5  by Alan Murray-Rust
SD7008 : Croal Mill, Bolton by Chris Allen
SD7008 : Croal Mill - 4  by Alan Murray-Rust
SD7008 : Croal Mill - 2  by Alan Murray-Rust

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Created: Mon, 13 Aug 2012, Updated: Tue, 28 Aug 2012

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2012 Alan Murray-Rust, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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