Former "Sinclair's" department store, Belfast :: Shared Description
The former Sinclair’s department store, at the corner of Royal Avenue and (lower) North Street was completed in 1926 to a design by James Scott, architect and civil engineer. The present Art Deco facade was added in 1935. In 1918 (eight years before its completion) there were branches of the “Sinclair’s” business at 77,81,85, 87. 89, 91, 93, 97 and 103 Royal Avenue. The store closed in the 1970’s later being converted to shops and offices. Now known as Sinclair House with an address of 89/101 Royal Avenue. There are items of Art Deco architectural detail (mostly on the upper floors) on both the Royal Avenue and North Street sides.
Part of the ground floor, which has frontages to North Street and Royal Avenue, is the subject of the following application for planning permission: “Z/2013/1308/F 7/11/2013 Vacant bank premises Sinclair House 91-93 Royal Avenue Belfast Reconfiguration of internal floor space and external alterations to facade to form new Tesco Express”. Note added 13 July 2014- the Planning Service website discloses the following “PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED 16/05/2014”
Part of the ground floor, which has frontages to North Street and Royal Avenue, is the subject of the following application for planning permission: “Z/2013/1308/F 7/11/2013 Vacant bank premises Sinclair House 91-93 Royal Avenue Belfast Reconfiguration of internal floor space and external alterations to facade to form new Tesco Express”. Note added 13 July 2014- the Planning Service website discloses the following “PERMISSION HAS BEEN GRANTED 16/05/2014”
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Created: Sun, 16 Sep 2012, Updated: Sun, 13 Jul 2014
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