Former Armagh House, Belfast :: Shared Description
A building in Ormeau Avenue, between Alfred Street and Joy Street, originally a linen factory. Later Government offices followed by a long period when it lay vacant. Designated as a “regeneration site” it was due to be converted to an aparthotel until the intervention of the recession.
The following planning permission (24 August 2016) applies “LA04/2016/0131/F Change of use from vacant to offices (ground floor to third floor) and restaurant (ground floor). Replacement of windows throughout and alterations to external windows and doors openings. Fitting of awnings to Ormeau Avenue elevation Armagh House Ormeau Avenue Malone Lower Belfast Antrim BT2 8HD”
The renovated building will be called “The Weaving Works”.
The following planning permission (24 August 2016) applies “LA04/2016/0131/F Change of use from vacant to offices (ground floor to third floor) and restaurant (ground floor). Replacement of windows throughout and alterations to external windows and doors openings. Fitting of awnings to Ormeau Avenue elevation Armagh House Ormeau Avenue Malone Lower Belfast Antrim BT2 8HD”
The renovated building will be called “The Weaving Works”.
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Created: Sat, 13 Oct 2012, Updated: Sat, 18 Mar 2017
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