Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast :: Shared Description

Built in 1867, to a design by WJ Barre, as the Ophthalmic Hospital, Gt Victoria Street, and extended, in the same style, in 1928 (the different brick is still discernible in the bay to the south). Charlie Brett noted “it has no hint of the pomposity usual in public buildings of the period”.
by Albert Bridge
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9 images use this description:

J3373 : Chimney pots, Gt Victoria Street, Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast (June 2014) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Nos 118-120 Gt Victoria Street, Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Nos 118-120 Gt Victoria Street, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast (2) by Albert Bridge
J3373 : Former Shaftesbury Square Hospital, Belfast (October 2018) by Albert Bridge

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Created: Sun, 4 Nov 2012, Updated: Sun, 4 Nov 2012

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