Queen's University development site, Botanic Avenue, Belfast :: Shared Description
The following application for planning permission was advertised on 25 January 2013: “Z/2013/0012/F 55-63 University Street, 101-111 Botanic Avenue and Queen's University garage , University Square Mews , Belfast Demolition of 55-63 University Street and Queen's University garage at University Square Mews with facade. Retention of 63 University Street, demolition of 101-111 Botanic Avenue with façade. Retention of 101-111 Botanic Avenue and development of 12 HMO townhouses (7 with five study bedrooms and 5 with six study bedrooms) and 3 apartments (each with two study bedrooms) to provide purpose built student accommodation with associated operational development”.
It was later withdrawn (21 May 2015).
It was later withdrawn (21 May 2015).
More nearby...
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- University Square,Belfast
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- The Union Theological College, Belfast
- Nos 53-57 Botanic Avenue, Belfast
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- Nos 43-47 University Road, Belfast
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- Nos 4-5 Donegall Square South, Belfast
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- Proposed Belfast transport hub
By Albert Bridge. Used on 58 images
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Created: Sun, 3 Feb 2013, Updated: Thu, 13 Jul 2017
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