The Killeaton Amenity Area :: Shared Description

The following is written from memory. Feel free to contact me if you happen to be able to correct it. Back (sometime, I think,) in the 1970’s Lisburn Borough Council acquired three fields between Queensway, Killeaton Park and the Mosside Road as a place where people could walk their dogs etc. The name “Killeaton Amenity Area” was applied but might now have been replaced by another since I can’t find any reference to it on the web.
by Albert Bridge
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6 images use this description:

J2767 : Fields, Derriaghy (1) by Albert Bridge
J2767 : Fields, Derriaghy (2) by Albert Bridge
J2767 : Gate, Derriaghy (April 2017) by Albert Bridge
J2767 : The Killeaton River, Derriaghy (1) by Albert Bridge
J2767 : Trees, Derriaghy by Albert Bridge
J2767 : The Killeaton River, Derriaghy (2) by Albert Bridge

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Created: Sat, 16 Feb 2013, Updated: Sun, 17 Feb 2013

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2013 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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