The William Annan Fountain :: Shared Description

William Annan was a publican and Wine & Spirits Merchant who died in 1915 and is buried in Sighthill Cemetery.

The fountain is a Category C Listed structure which was relocated to the top of Renfield Street in 2000. It was designed by architect Robert Lorimer in 1915. It consists of a stone memorial fountain of polished pink granite on a circular base with 4 basins. A square pedestal above with lion mask spouts and bronze plaques supports a tall octagonal shaft with a unicorn and shield on top.

One bronze plaque reads "This Fountain was presented to the City of Glasgow by William Annan of Port Dundas. 1915", the other contains the City of Glasgow Coat of Arms, including the inscription "Let Glasgow Flourish".

Annan donated at least one other fountain to the city NS5965 : Fountain at The Lee NS5965 : Fountain plaque.
by Thomas Nugent
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6 images use this description:

NS5865 : The William Annan Fountain by Gerald England
NS5865 : The William Annan Fountain by Thomas Nugent
NS5865 : The William Annan Fountain by Thomas Nugent
NS5865 : The William Annan Fountain by Thomas Nugent
NS5865 : The William Annan Fountain by Thomas Nugent
NS5865 : The William Annan Fountain by Thomas Nugent

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Created: Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Updated: Tue, 4 Jun 2013

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2013 Thomas Nugent, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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