Former proposed cruise ship terminals, Belfast harbour :: Shared Description

On 13 June 2013 the Belfast Harbour Commissioners announced their intention to build a new terminal on the eastern side of the Victoria Channel: “Belfast is 'Cruising' with £7m investment in Ireland's first purpose built cruise facility The investment will ensure that Belfast will be able to handle all cruise ships currently operating in the Irish Sea, as well as next generation ships which carry over 4,500 passengers and crew. It will also enable visitors to disembark directly within walking distance of the city’s Titanic visitor attractions - Titanic’s Dock & Pumphouse, Titanic Belfast and SS Nomadic. A record 60 ships are scheduled to call at Belfast this year representing a 45% jump in passengers and crew, up from 75,000 to 110,000 in just one year. Associated spend with cruise visits is expected to generate more than £18m for the local economy in 2013”.
The site is on the western side of the existing Alexandra Dock to the south of the Thompson (“Titanic’s”) Dock and will use land which was (to the best of my knowledge) previously occupied by the Ministry of Defence and the Royal Naval Reserve.
The photographs submitted by me appear as a matter of geographical and historical record only. I have no connection with the Commissioners.
This project has been abandoned in favour of a new site at Airport Road West.
There is the following planning permission: “LA04/2016/0421/F Construction of a new multi-purpose facility at D3 for berthing of cruise ships, and for lay-by and transient storage of project cargo, break bulk and dry bulk during cruise ship off season. Development comprises the construction of 340m long solid quay with mooring dolphins, dredging of the berthing pocket and infilling behind the new quay wall using imported clean fill materials, construction of a 25m wide piled relieving slab along the quay length, with heavy duty paving surfacing on the quay/slab hinterland, access road, security gates, access barrier and kiosk at Airport Road West, modular terminal building, shore side facilities, lighting, fencing, screen bund and landscaping. Land at D3 adjacent to the RSPB Reserve Airport Road West Belfast BT3 9DY”.

Note added 29 July 2029 - this project may now be considered abandoned following the decision to convert the nearby berth D1 (built for the assembly of offshore wind turbine parts) as a dedicated cruise terminal - “Cruise Belfast – the partnership between Belfast Harbour and Visit Belfast, has opened the first dedicated cruise terminal on the island of Ireland to cater for Belfast’s growing popularity as a cruise destination.
Belfast Harbour has invested more than £500,000 on upgrading the quayside facility which now includes a Visitor Information Centre, part funded by Tourism NI and managed by Visit Belfast.  This investment represents an important step in the development of the city’s cruise tourism infrastructure. The new terminal is staffed by Visit Belfast’s travel advisors and utilises the latest digital and audio-visual technology to showcase Belfast and Northern Ireland’s visitor attractions. 
The newly developed site includes the space required to service the shore side activities associated with cruise tourism for coaches, shuttle buses and taxis, and a berth which has been dredged to accommodate newer and larger cruise ships” Harbour Commissioner’s press release dated 29 July 2019.

by Albert Bridge
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30 images use this description. Preview sample shown below:

J3778 : Proposed cruise ship terminal, Belfast harbour - April 2019(2) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Cruise ship terminal site, Belfast harbour - December 2016(1) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Scarlet pimpernel, Belfast harbour estate (June 2019) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Radar, Belfast harbour (December 2017) by Albert Bridge
J3777 : Cruise ship terminal site, Belfast harbour - December 2016(3) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Bee orchid, Belfast harbour estate (June 2019) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Crane's bill, Belfast harbour estate (June 2019) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Proposed cruise ship terminal, Belfast harbour - April 2019(1) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Buddleia, Belfast Harbour estate (July 2018) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Proposed cruise ship terminal, Belfast (July 2017) by Albert Bridge
J3476 : The "Pretty Ivy", Belfast by Albert Bridge
J3576 : The Alexandra Dock, Belfast (2013) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Rock armour, Belfast harbour (December 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3777 : Teasel, Belfast harbour - August 2019(2) by Albert Bridge
J3576 : Site for cruise ship terminal, Belfast (2013-3) by Albert Bridge
J3777 : Reclaimed land, Belfast Harbour estate (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Blue butterfly, Belfast harbour (June 2018) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Cruise ship terminal site, Belfast harbour - December 2016(2) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : The "Stena Precision", Belfast (November 2016) by Albert Bridge
J3576 : Site for cruise ship terminal, Belfast (2013-2) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Fungus, Belfast harbour (September 2019) by Albert Bridge
J3777 : Teasal, Belfast harbour - August 2019(1) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Proposed cruise ship terminal, Belfast harbour - April 2019(3) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Blackberries, Belfast harbour - August 2019(1) by Albert Bridge
J3778 : Disused jetty, Belfast harbour (December 2016) by Albert Bridge

... and 5 more images.

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Created: Wed, 3 Jul 2013, Updated: Mon, 29 Jul 2019

The 'Shared Description' text on this page is Copyright 2013 Albert Bridge, however it is specifically licensed so that contributors can reuse it on their own images without restriction.

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